

International Techno Center is a health development consulting firm with extensive experiences in Japan’s Official Development Assistant (ODA) projects. Since the foundation of the company in 1987, we have conducted more than 150 projects in about 70 countries (as of 2019) in order to improve people’s health in the world.

Company Name International Techno Center Co., Ltd.
Address 5th Floor, Okachimachi Otsuka Bldg.,
2-18-15 Kojima, taito-ku,Tokyo
111-0056 japan
Tel / FAX 03-5820-5450 / 03-5820-5454
Established June 17, 1987
Capital 10 million yen
President IIJIMA, Kazunori
Backgrounds Public health, Hospital management, Medical Engineering, Pharmacy, Clinical laboratory technology, etc
Member organization Overseas Medical Equipment Technical Assistants (OMETA)
Japan Association for International Health
Japan Sosciety for Healthcare Administration
General Incorporated Foundation the Japan Uzbekistan Silk Road Foundation
Contact Please contact to this Email address.